"I wanted you to know I look at my Duke's picture every time I pass it during the day, especially in the morning and the evening before bed. I feel as if he is right there looking at me. I tell him goodmorning/goodnight and pat his lips with a kiss from my fingers. All of us who have been fortunate enough to receive a piece of your art has been truly blessed." Traci Muchler
" I have known Liz as an online presence in my life for several years. I have seen hundreds of pieces of art that she has completed, and I have watched her do a few drawings in real life as well. Liz was quite obviously meant to be an artist, talent flows from her every pore. The love and kindness she posesses is transferred fluidly from pencil to paper, she captures the smallest details and personality traits of her subjects to a T.
In June of 2010, my horse of 4 years "Darcy" was struck by lightning and killed in a freak storm. I was devastated, it was something that you see in movies, and yet it had happened to me. A couple of weeks later, the doorbell rang, it was a UPS driver. I hadn't ordered anything, so I was very confused. When I opened the box I was absolutely amazed and overcome with tears, both happy and sad. The box contained a drawing that Liz did of Darcy. The drawing is so lifelike, she accurately captured the mischevious twinkle in Darcy's eye, the odd Star on her forehead, the expression on her face. The drawing is proudly displayed in my bedroom, where every day I look at it in wonder. It is one of the most amazing things anybody has ever given me, and I simply cannot thank her enough. Liz has incredible talent, and I am confident that any work that she is commissioned to create will not only meet, but completely exceed your expectations. I cannot say enough good things about her." Lindsay Eckert
"Liz, I wanted to let you know how honored I am to have your work in my home. The piece you did of my sweet dog Kelly was exactly what I needed to get through her passing. The portraits of Rev and Cody were amazing and I love seeing the striking resemblance. I miss Rev since he has passed and its lovely to see him in the drawing you did for me. I've also since sold my gelding Cody... but will always adore the picture you drew of him laying in his stall. Its so true to him, I miss him and love seeing his sweet face as I walk out of my room everyday. Your artwork is just wonderful and after purchasing 4 drawings, you can be sure I will order more." -Kristen Barker
"Thanks Liz. You give us something to hang onto when they're not with us anymore. Its a great thing to have."
-Pamella Broecker
-Pamella Broecker
"Thank you again for the beautiful drawing of Panda. I love it and can't wait to frame and hang it. You really have a gift and your appreciation for animals comes through in your work. I am honored to hang this piece and will truly treasure it." -Peah Armstrong